Oakmont Elementary is a quaint, little elementary school nestled in the heart of the New Deal community of Cottontown, TN. Because of our relatively low enrollment, we are blessed to be able to give our students the individualized instruction they so desperately need. We are a Title I school which allows our students access to extraordinary programs and the latest technology.
For the last 3 out of 5 years we have been recognized as a Reward School by the Tennessee Department of Education. Reward schools represent the 10 percent of all Tennessee schools that are in the top 5 percent for performance as measured by a one-year success rate and the top 5 percent of highest progress schools. Oakmont Elemenrary scored a 5 — the highest score on a 1-5 scale — on its school-wide composite, which is made up of reading, language arts, math, social studies and science. We are so very proud of our students and teachers for this amazing accomplishment, and we look forward to maintaining this high level of achievement as we seek to provide the best learning environment we can for our students.